What is herbal medicine?
One of the criticisms of conventional medicine is that it treats the symptoms but not the cause of the illness. The herbal approach is quite different. The patient is seen as a whole person and herbal treatment gently rebalances the body, treating not just the symptoms, but also the root causes of ill health.

As a trained medical herbalist I understand the uniqueness of the individual, the dynamic interplay between all parts of the body. Consultations initially involve the gathering of information. The main focus will be finding what needs to be treated; I explore the gathered information to discover the root causes of ill health. Herbs are carefully chosen and blended to work together as a team, synergistically aimed at the unique needs of the patient. I am mindful of any medication that the patient is currently taking to ensure compatibility. Much emphasis is placed upon the positive working relationship between my self and the patient, working together with the aim of achieving a good state of health relative and unique to each individual.

I trained for five years with the International Register of Consultant Herbalists, qualifying in March 2001.

To make an appointment or find out more call today 07873 381009.